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Said Sue to her suitor:
I never saw a loaf of bread
Old Mother Hubbard
A funny thing once happened to a German from Berlin,
I never walk along the street
He led her out across the sand,
Here's to dear Ould Ireland,
'Twas on the f-f-f-first of April D-D-Day,
Ting-ling--"South, please, 1085;
Mary had a little lamb,
Say, I like toys,
A college professor one day
(After Walt Whitman.)
There was once a young man quite erratic
I hate the fellow who sits around
A night when witches skim the air,
An impudent Barbary ape
(What the Little Boy Thought.)
(After Ben King, Dedicated to E. Jesse Conway.)
The Incubus.
(A Response to Judge Mulligan's Famous Toast.)
When you're feelin' blue as ink
I'm the ghost of that poor gobbler
"Oh lend me five," the young man cried,
The list is long, the stories read the same;
John went into the garden one day
Maud Muller on a summer's day,
(By A. Turkey Gobbler.)
A cat duet.
There was once an eccentric old coon,
A maddened horse comes down the street,
I knew a young man so conceited
(Mrs. Jefferson Davis, widow of the President of the Southern Confederacy died October 16, 1906.)
'Tis Saturday morn and all is bright
Sprig, Sprig--Oh lovely Sprig!
There once was an old crocodile
Take up the household burden,
A seedy young man in Savanah
With a clatter and a jangle,
O, the circus parade! O, the circus parade!
Oh, let's go out to the county fair
Why that's a doodle bug, my child
(Man's Inhumanity to Hogs Makes Countless Thousands Squeal.)
Have you ever mused in silence upon a summer's day
Ah, somewhere in another world
Lobsters haven't any feet,
Good people if you have the mumps,
What a difference in the morning
(Written in collaboration with R. B. Hamilton.)
Wake for the sun, that scatters into flight,
O a fat turkey gobbler once sat on a limb
Beware the Sissy Boy my child,
Far back within an age remote,
To sit and dream in a shady nook
May the day that gave Christ birth
In days gone by, the poets wrote
I never saw a purple cow,
You lived in a land horror-haunted,
What is transcendentalism?
A young girl stands
They were seated there in silence
In days gone by, when cows could fly
There was a girl in our town