also known as: Sophie M. (Almon) Hensley
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I stood far off above the haunts of men
The world to-day is radiant, as I ne'er
In the east a lightening;
The world may rage without,
Evening has thrown her hushing garment round
Let us peer forward through the dusk of years
There is a long thin line of fading gold
Clear sounds the call on high:
I have been wandering where the daisies grow,
They stream across the fading western sky
If days should pass without a written word
The light has left the hill-side. Yesterday
I do not know if all the fault be mine,
Cam'st thou not nigh to me
A breath A breath
Oh come, Eurydice!
What of our life when this frail flesh lies low
There are some things, dear Friend, are easier far
Since first I met thee, Dear, and long before
I have been pondering what our teachers call
Dear, I am lonely, for the bay is still
Spring's face is wreathed in smiles. She had been driven
No ripple stirs the water,
My spirit holds you, Dear,
The full-orbed Paschal moon; dark shadows flung
I stood upon a hill, and watched the death
I see the starting buds, I catch the gleam
Brother and friend I found thee in the hour
For our Love's sake I bid thee stay,
I will forget those days of mingled bliss
It might have been so different a year
"Pourquoi," she breathed, then drooped her head,
When summer comes, and when o'er hill and lea
A dash of spray,
It sings to me, it sings to me,
The night is long
My boat is still in the reedy cove
Where is the waiting-time?
Deep in the green bracken lying,
"Tshirr!" scolds the oriole
Red gleams the mountain ridge,
Low laughed the Columbine,
Joy came in youth as a humming-bird,
If I had known
I have known a thousand pleasures, -
I aimless wandered thro' the woods, and flung
There is no God? If one should stand at noon
But one short night between my Love and me!
The world may rage without,
The sky, grown dull through many waiting days,
This April sun has wakened into cheer