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After you left me
On a little hill amid fertile fields lies a small cemetery,
A man doesn't have time in his life
A man doesn't have time in his life
They amputated
A precise woman with a short haircut brings order
An Arab shepherd is searching for his goat on Mount Zion
And we shall not get excited. Because a translator
Before the gate has been closed,
Do not accept these rains that come too late.
A night drive to Ein Yahav in the Arava Desert,
Forgetting someone is like forgetting to turn off the light
God-Full-of-Mercy, the prayer for the dead.
God has pity on kindergarten children,
People in a hall that’s lit so brightly
Half the people in the world love the other half,
I don't Know if history repeats itself
I have become very hairy all over my body.
I know a man
All night the army came up from Gilgal
If I forget thee, Jerusalem,
On a roof in the Old City
Let the memorial hill remember instead of me,
There is a street where they sell only red meat
Memorial day for the war dead. Add now
My child wafts peace.
The memory of my father is wrapped up in
Near the wall of a house painted
Out of three or four in the room
On Rabbi Kook's Street
Once a great love cut my life in two.
The end was quick and bitter.
Hebrew writing and Arabic writing go from east to west,
The diameter of the bomb was thirty centimeters
The first rain reminds me
The little park planted in memory of a boy
I passed by the school where I studied as a boy
Visits of condolence is all we get from them.
Try to remember some details. Remember the clothing
"What kind of a person are you," I heard them say to me.
Not the peace of a cease-fire
Yad Mordechai. Those who fell here
You mustn't show weakness