Poems by Robert Herrick

Sorted by title, showing title and first line

Drink up
Fill me a mighty bowl
LACON: For a kiss or two, confess,
1. Come, blitheful neatherds, let us lay
Play, Phoebus, on thy lute,
Fly hence, pale care, no more remember
That love last long, let it thy first care be
If so be a toad be laid
Here a little child I stand
By those soft tods of wool
Thrice, and above, blest, my soul's half, art thou,
Naught are all women: I say no,
My dearest Love, since thou wilt go,
Hor. While, Lydia, I was loved of thee,
Hence, hence, profane! soft silence let us have
Bring me my rosebuds, drawer, come;
For truth I may this sentence tell,
A Master of a house, as I have read,
Bacchus, let me drink no more!
I sing thy praise, Iacchus,
Thou, thou that bear'st the sway,
I will confess
'Twas not love's dart,
When I love, as some have told
It was, and still my care is,
Honour to you who sit
O you the virgins nine!
Sea-born goddess, let me be
A just man's like a rock that turns the wrath
That prince who may do nothing but what's just,
What is a kiss? Why this, as some approve:
While the milder fates consent,
Though frankincense the deities require,
You are a tulip seen today,
No news of navies burnt at seas;
What's that we see from far? the spring of day
Spring with the lark, most comely bride, and meet
Till I shall come again, let this suffice,
Is this a life, to break thy sleep,
Mon. Bad are the times. Sil. And worse than they are we.
AMIN. Good day, Mirtillo. MIRT. And to you no less;
One man repentant is of more esteem
As many laws and lawyers do express
Glory be to the Graces!
Ponder my words, if so that any be
Julia, I bring
Though I cannot give thee fires
Goddess, I do love a girl,
Come down and dance ye in the toil
From me my Silvia ran away,
Burn, or drown me, choose ye whether,
Then did I live when I did see
A little saint best fits a little shrine,
Lord, Thou hast given me a cell
Store of courage to me grant,
Goddess, I begin an art;
Happily I had a sight
Happily I had a sight
Although we cannot turn the fervent fit
Speak, did the blood of Abel cry
Against diseases here the strongest fence
If accusation only can draw blood,
Adversity hurts none, but only such
Love is maintain'd by wealth; when all is spent,
Still take advice; though counsels, when they fly
God ne'er afflicts us more than our desert,
Die ere long, I'm sure, I shall;
Whene'er my heart love's warmth but entertains,
Maidens tell me I am old;
All things decay with time: The forest sees
Adverse and prosperous fortunes both work on
Give, if thou canst, an alms; if not, afford,
Give unto all, lest he, whom thou deni'st,
In man, ambition is the common'st thing;
In ways to greatness, think on this,
End. Ah! Lycidas, come tell me why
Let's be jocund while we may,
Virgins promised when I died,
With blameless carriage, I lived here
Here a solemn fast we keep,
Stately goddess, do thou please,
I will confess
Ah Ben!
Ah Ben!
In numbers, and but these few,
In numbers, and but these few,
Not all thy flushing suns are set,
Here we securely live, and eat
Dear God,
Born I was to be old,
Brisk methinks I am, and fine
I must
Angels are called gods; yet of them, none
Wrongs, if neglected, vanish in short time,
Hang up hooks and shears to scare
Here a little child I stand
Here a little child I stand
1. Hence, hence profane, and none appear
God's said to leave this place, and for to come
No man so well a kingdom rules as he
How can I choose but love and follow her
Love's of itself too sweet; the best of all
To house the hag, you must do this:
Lord, do not beat me,
Though Thou be'st all that active love
If Thou be'st taken, God forbid
Mighty Neptune, may it please
Wash your hands, or else the fire
She by the river sat, and sitting there,
First, for your shape, the curious cannot show
Wassail the trees, that they may bear
The blood of Abel was a thing
If ye fear to be affrighted
In the morning when ye rise,
Let the superstitious wife
The shame of man's face is no more
That there's a God we all do know,
God is Jehovah call'd: which name of His
Where love begins, there dead thy first desire:
Art thou not destin'd? then with haste go on
Sin is an act so free, that if we shall
Sin is the cause of death; and sin's alone
Thou bid'st me come; I cannot come; for why?
Love he that will, it best likes me
Thou had'st the wreath before, now take the tree,
As sunbeams pierce the glass, and streaming in,
Anthea laugh'd, and, fearing lest excess
E'en all religious courses to be rich
When I behold a forest spread
Man may at first transgress, but next do well:
Like those infernal deities which eat
In this misfortune kings do most excel,
The strength of baptism that's within,
We two are last in hell; what may we fear
Of all our parts, the eyes express
Our bastard children are but like to plate
Be my mistress short or tall
Beauty's no other but a lovely grace
Jacob God's beggar was; and so we wait,
Hard are the two first stairs unto a crown:
Paul, he began ill, but he ended well;
When age or chance has made me blind,
Fools are they who never know
Who, railing, drives the lazar from his door,
Among disasters that dissension brings,
In battles what disasters fall,
To his book's end this last line he'd have placed:
Dead falls the cause if once the hand be mute;
Man may want land to live in; but for all
Oft bend the bow, and thou with ease shalt do
God is not only merciful to call
Play, Phoebus, on thy lute,
Care keeps the conquest; 'tis no less renown
Good things, that come of course, far less do please
Know when to speak; for many times it brings
Down with the rosemary and bays,
Come, bring with a noise,
Down with the rosemary, and so
All things subjected are to fate;
What now we like anon we disapprove:
Bring the holy crust of bread,
This I'll tell ye by the way:
Ph. Charon! O gentle Charon! let me woo thee
'Tis not a thousand bullocks' thighs
Cherry-ripe, ripe, ripe, I cry,
Julia and I did lately sit,
Give house-room to the best; 'tis never known
Thou gav'st me leave to kiss,
Christ never did so great a work but there
One birth our Saviour had; the like none yet
Christ took our nature on Him, not that He
Christ, He requires still, wheresoe'er He comes
Christ was not sad, i' th' garden, for His own
Justly our dearest Saviour may abhor us,
Thy former coming was to cure
Christ, when He hung the dreadful cross upon,
To all our wounds here, whatsoe'er they be,
Come guard this night the Christmas-Pie,
Kings must not only cherish up the good,
For punishment in war it will suffice
Though from without no foes at all we fear,
Away with silks, away with lawn,
Those garments lasting evermore,
He that ascended in a cloud, shall come
We are co-heirs with Christ; nor shall His own
Bell-man of night, if I about shall go
'Tis no discomfort in the world to fall,
Dry your sweet cheek, long drown'd with sorrow's rain,
What needs complaints,
The same who crowns the conqueror, will be
Be not dismayed though crosses cast thee down;
To him who longs unto his Christ to go,
Confession twofold is, as Austin says,
Conformity gives comeliness to things:
Conformity was ever known
God then confounds man's face when He not bears
Chorus Sacerdotum. From the temple to your home
Consult ere thou begin'st; that done, go on
'Tis not the food, but the content
Discreet and prudent we that discord call
Get up, get up for shame, the blooming Morn
God had but one Son free from sin; but none
'Twas Cæsar's saying: Kings no less conquerors are
Thrice, and above, blest, my soul's half, art thou,
I cannot love as I have lov'd before;
Fair and foul days trip cross and pile; the fair
Our crosses are no other than the rods,
Though good things answer many good intents,
Nero commanded; but withdrew his eyes
Nothing can be more loathsome than to see
'Tis but a dog-like madness in bad kings,
Thou see'st me, Lucia, this year droop;
The lictors bundled up their rods; beside,
As oft as night is banish'd by the morn,
Time is the bound of things; where'er we go
Break off delay, since we but read of one
A sweet disorder in the dress
A sweet disorder in the dress
Women, although they ne'er so goodly make it,
What can I do in poetry,
Who forms a godhead out of gold or stone
If wholesome diet can recure a man,
More discontents I never had
Fortune no higher project can devise
Cynthius, pluck ye by the ear,
Kings must not oft be seen by public eyes:
Whatever men for loyalty pretend,
To safeguard man from wrongs, there nothing must
When a daffodil I see,
Let not that day God's friends and servants scare;
Milk still your fountains and your springs: for why?
At draw-gloves we'll play,
Here we are all, by day; by night we're hurl'd
Good princes must be pray'd for; for the bad
Why wore th' Egyptians jewels in the ear?
God gives to none so absolute an ease
Empires of kings are now, and ever were,
No trust to metals nor to marbles, when
O years! and age! farewell:
Begin with Jove; then is the work half done,
By time and counsel do the best we can,
Evil no nature hath; the loss of good
Examples lead us, and we likely see;
Excess is sluttish: keep the mean; for why?
Live with a thrifty, not a needy fate;
The factions of the great ones call,
Tears quickly dry, griefs will in time decay:
Fair was the dawn, and but e'en now the skies
Smooth was the sea, and seem'd to call
Faith is a thing that's four-square; let it fall
What here we hope for, we shall once inherit;
He who wears blacks, and mourns not for the dead,
To print our poems, the propulsive cause
'Tis still observ'd that fame ne'er sings
Fled are the frosts, and now the fields appear
Despair takes heart, when there's no hope to speed:
Man must do well out of a good intent;
Of both our fortunes good and bad we find
Every time seems short to be
Many we are, and yet but few possess
Preposterous is that order, when we run
What is't that wastes a prince? example shows,
In's Tusc'lans, Tully doth confess,
Fortune did never favour one
Fortune's a blind profuser of her own,
Health is the first good lent to men;
God He refuseth no man, but makes way
Would ye have fresh cheese and cream?
When others gain much by the present cast,
That prince must govern with a gentle hand
Glory no other thing is, Tully says,
I make no haste to have my numbers read:
How am I bound to Two! God, who doth give
God, when for sin He makes His children smart,
God, who's in heaven, will hear from thence;
God, as He is most holy known,
'Tis hard to find God, but to comprehend
God still rewards us more than our desert;
Honour thy parents; but good manners call
God when He's angry here with anyone,
God can't be wrathful: but we may conclude
In vain our labours are whatsoe'er they be,
God, as He's potent, so He's likewise known
God's bounty, that ebbs less and less
In God's commands ne'er ask the reason why;
God is then said for to descend, when He
God's said to dwell there, wheresoever He
God hears us when we pray, but yet defers
God's grace deserves here to be daily fed
God's hands are round and smooth, that gifts may fall
God has four keys, which He reserves alone:
God's boundless mercy is, to sinful man,
Where God is merry, there write down thy fears:
When I shall sin, pardon my trespass here;
Prayers and praises are those spotless two
God is so potent, as His power can
God's present everywhere, but most of all
God is all-present to whate'er we do,
God's evident, and may be said to be
God bought man here with His heart's blood expense;
If all transgressions here should have their pay,
God doth not promise here to man that He
God is His name of nature; but that word
God, in the holy tongue, they call
God, as the learned Damascene doth write,
God is more here than in another place,
In God there's nothing, but 'tis known to be
Gold serves for tribute to the king,
How rich a man is all desire to know;
The bad among the good are here mix'd ever;
Play their offensive and defensive parts,
Put off Thy robe of purple, then go on
If well the dice run, let's applaud the cast:
This rule of manners I will teach my guests:
God makes not good men wantons, but doth bring
In all thy need be thou possess'd
In all thy need, be thou possest
Here, a little child, I stand,
What God gives, and what we take,
Of flanks and chines of beef doth Gorrell boast
The less our sorrows here and suff'rings cease,
To an old sore a long cure must go on:
Our mortal parts may wrapp'd in sear-cloths lie:
Consider sorrows, how they are aright:
Sorrows divided amongst many, less
Jove may afford us thousands of reliefs,
Hanch, since he lately did inter his wife,
First, may the hand of bounty bring
That happiness does still the longest thrive,
God's said our hearts to harden then,
To the Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland
Haste is unhappy; what we rashly do
Health is no other, as the learned hold,
Heaven is most fair; but fairer He
Heaven is not given for our good works here;
One only fire has hell; but yet it shall
The fire of hell this strange condition hath,
Hell is no other but a soundless pit,
Hell is the place where whipping-cheer abounds,
See'st thou that cloud as silver clear,
Fain would I kiss my Julia's dainty leg,
The publisher's freak, by which Herrick's three chief Fairy poems ("The Fairy Temple; or, Oberon's Chapel," "Oberon's Feast," and "Oberon's Palace") are separated from each other, is greatly to be regretted. The last two, both dedicated to Shapcott,
Ah, Posthumus! our years hence fly
Here, here I live,
You ask me what I do, and how I live?
Some would know
When I behold Thee, almost slain,
Give me that man that dares bestride
My many cares and much distress
Dearest of thousands, now the time draws near
The only comfort of my life
Hence they have borne my Lord; behold! the stone
Look how our foul days do exceed our fair;
Here, Here I live with what my board
Why dost thou wound and break my heart,
I do believe that die I must,
Give me a man that is not dull,
I dreamt, last night, Thou didst transfuse
My God! look on me with Thine eye
For my embalming, Julia, do but this;
Farewell thou thing, time past so known, so dear
Though clock,
How well contented in this private grange
Among these tempests great and manifold
Call me no more,
I have been wanton, and too bold, I fear,
I have been wanton, and too bold, I fear,
In the hour of my distress,
All has been plunder'd from me but my wit:
Be those few hours, which I have yet to spend,
Water, water I espy;
You may vow I'll not forget
To join with them who here confer
As wearied pilgrims, once possest
When I did go from thee I felt that smart
If war or want shall make me grow so poor,
Only a little more
God can do all things, save but what are known
For those my unbaptized rhymes,
When I a verse shall make,
Noonday and midnight shall at once be seen:
Love, I recant,
Julia, if I chance to die
From the dull confines of the drooping west
When that day comes, whose evening says I'm gone
Have, have ye no regard, all ye
I send, I send here my supremest kiss
I cannot suffer; and in this my part
Come thou, who art the wine and wit
I would to God, that mine old age might have
I would to God that mine old age might have
Give me a cell
Fat be my hind; unlearned be my wife;
It is sufficient if we pray
When Thou wast taken, Lord, I oft have read,
Give me honours! what are these,
None goes to warfare but with this intent -
What though the heaven be lowering now,
Fill me my wine in crystal; thus, and thus
My soul would one day go and seek
White though ye be, yet, lilies, know,
Jealous girls these sometimes were,
Frolic virgins once these were,
Virgins, time-past, known were these,
Roses at first were white,
'Tis said, as Cupid danc'd among
These springs were maidens once that loved,
Why this flower is now call'd so,
Love on a day, wise poets tell,
Humble we must be, if to heaven we go:
Ask me what hunger is, and I'll reply,
Bacchus, let me drink no more!
I will confess
When I love, as some have told
Sea-born goddess, let me be
I call, I call: who do ye call?
Preposterous is that government, and rude,
My faithful friend, if you can see
O Jupiter, should I speak ill
Night hides our thefts, all faults then pardon'd be;
Since Jack and Jill both wicked be;
Jehovah, as Boëtius saith,
Put on thy holy filletings, and so
Thy azure robe I did behold
'Twixt kings and tyrants there's this difference known:
Men are not born kings, but are men renown'd;
I abhor the slimy kiss,
Give me the food that satisfies a guest:
Kissing and bussing differ both in this;
Biancha, let
Science in God is known to be
Labour we must, and labour hard
At my homely country-seat
All things o'er-ruled are here by chance:
Lasciviousness is known to be
Y'ave laughed enough, sweet, vary now your text!
When laws full power have to sway, we see
Who violates the customs, hurts the health,
To loose the button is no less,
When as Leander young was drown'd
Love is a leaven; and a loving kiss
'Tis the Chirurgeon's praise, and height of art,
When flowing garments I behold
When to a house I come, and see
Those ills that mortal men endure
Life is the body's light; which, once declining,
Like will to like, each creature loves his kind;
This is the height of justice: that to do
As in our clothes, so likewise he who looks,
In the old Scripture I have often read,
For my part, I never care
Little you are, for woman's sake be proud;
One feeds on lard, and yet is lean,
God loads and unloads, thus His work begins,
That was the proverb. Let my mistress be
The longer thread of life we spin,
Though long it be, years may repay the debt;
Great men by small means oft are overthrown;
Learn this of me, where'er thy lot doth fall,
Whatsoever thing I see,
Whatsoever thing I see,
Love is a syrup; and whoe'er we see
Let me be warm, let me be fully fed,
Let fair or foul my mistress be,
You say, to me-wards your affection's strong;
I press'd my Julia's lips, and in the kiss
If I kiss Anthea's breast,
Love and myself, believe me, on a day
Love is a circle, that doth restless move
This axiom I have often heard,
A Gyges ring they bear about them still,
Gold I've none, for use or show,
Maids' nays are nothing, they are shy
Want is a softer wax, that takes thereon,
Man knows where first he ships himself; but he
That manna, which God on His people cast,
The repetition of the name made known
When with the virgin morning thou dost rise,
Though frankincense the deities require,
By the weak'st means things mighty are o'erthrown.
Eaten I have; and though I had good cheer,
You are a Tulip seen to-day,
That flow of gallants which approach
God hath two wings which He doth ever move;
Mercy, the wise Athenians held to be
Our honours and our commendations be
True mirth resides not in the smiling skin;
Though hourly comforts from the gods we see,
In things a moderation keep:
Let moderation on thy passions wait;
Fight thou with shafts of silver and o'ercome,
When all birds else do of their music fail,
The mountains of the Scriptures are, some say,
The time the bridegroom stays from hence
'Tis still observ'd those men most valiant are,
He that may sin, sins least: leave to transgress
In desp'rate cases all, or most, are known
Ere I go hence and be no more
I have beheld two lovers in a night
Among the myrtles as I walk'd
We trust not to the multitude in war,
Who begs to die for fear of human need,
Art quickens nature; care will make a face;
God will have all, or none; serve Him, or fall
No man comes late unto that place from whence
Nothing hard or harsh can prove
To get thine ends, lay bashfulness aside;
Good and great God! how should I fear
When fear admits no hope of safety, then
Reproach we may the living, not the dead:
Night makes no difference 'twixt the priest and clerk;
God scourgeth some severely, some He spares;
No fault in women, to refuse
What I fancy I approve,
Bar close as you can, and bolt fast too your door,
I do love I know not what,
No man such rare parts hath, that he can swim,
If little labour, little are our gains;
Thou sail'st with others in this Argus here;
A bachelor I will
By hours we all live here; in Heaven is known
To bread and water none is poor;
Out of the world he must, who once comes in.
Happy's that man to whom God gives
Now, if you love me, tell me,
The Jews their beds and offices of ease,
'Tis not ev'ry day that I
Why should we covet much, whenas we know
He that will not love must be
Nothing comes free-cost here; Jove will not let
Nothing is new; we walk where others went;
The gods to kings the judgment give to sway:
The power of princes rests in the consent
A way enhanced with glass and beads
Hapcot! To thee the Fairy State
After the feast, my Shapcot, see
The Jews, when they built houses, I have read,
The Virgin Mother stood at distance, there,
Who to the north, or south, doth set
Horne sells to others teeth; but has not one
1. Instruct me now what love will do.
I do not love, nor can it be
I'll get me hence,
How Love came in, I do not know,
You say you're sweet: how should we know
This is my comfort when she's most unkind:
What was't that fell but now
Permit mine eyes to see
A wearied pilgrim I have wander'd here,
I'll write no more of love, but now repent
Lost to the world; lost to myself; alone
Weep for the dead, for they have lost this light;
Live by thy Muse thou shalt, when others die,
Ask me why I do not sing
Born I was to meet with age,
Here down my wearied limbs I'll lay;
I fear no earthly powers,
I will no longer kiss,
If that my fate has now fulfill'd my year,
I'll sing no more, nor will I longer write
Let me not live if I not love:
Love-sick I am, and must endure
One ear tingles; some there be
Some parts may perish, die thou canst not all:
The work is done: young men and maidens, set
Young I was, but now am old,
The bound, almost, now of my book I see,
Honour to you who sit
Joan would go tell her hairs; and well she might,
Breathe, Julia, breathe, and I'll protest,
Sweet are my Julia's lips and clean,
How am I ravish'd! when I do but see
So smooth, so sweet, so silv'ry is thy voice,
Love's of itself too sweet; the best of all
Love bade me ask a gift,
Love is a kind of war: hence those who fear!
That love 'twixt men does ever longest last
Prat he writes satires, but herein's the fault,
Grow up in beauty, as thou dost begin,
Goes the world now, it will with thee go hard:
Thousands each day pass by, which we,
Orpheus he went, as poets tell,
Other men's sins we ever bear in mind;
We blame, nay, we despise her pains
God suffers not His saints and servants dear
Afflictions bring us joy in times to come,
A long life's-day I've taken pains
If Nature do deny
Till I shall come again, let this suffice,
Paradise is, as from the learn'd I gather,
Let's strive to be the best; the gods, we know it,
Those ends in war the best contentment bring,
God pardons those who do through frailty sin,
Were there not a matter known,
Pastoral Sung To The King
Kings must not use the axe for each offence:
Abundant plagues I late have had,
Great cities seldom rest; if there be none
The doctors, in the Talmud, say,
Who after his transgression doth repent,
A man's transgressions God does then remit,
Afflictions they most profitable are
God strikes His Church, but 'tis to this intent,
Hast thou begun an act? ne'er then give o'er:
Physicians fight not against men; but these
God doth embrace the good with love; and gains
'Tis worse than barbarous cruelty to show
Where pleasures rule a kingdom, never there
All are not ill plots that do sometimes fail;
Here I myself might likewise die,
Wantons we are, and though our words be such,
That princes may possess a surer seat,
Those possessions short-liv'd are,
Let others to the printing-press run fast;
Love and the Graces evermore do wait
Who with a little cannot be content,
Give Want her welcome if she comes; we find
To mortal men great loads allotted be,
'Tis never, or but seldom known,
First offer incense; then, thy field and meads
First offer incense, then thy field and meads
A prayer that is said alone
God, He rejects all prayers that are slight
Good precepts we must firmly hold,
Predestination is the cause alone
God's prescience makes none sinful; but th' offence
When what is lov'd is present, love doth spring;
Men are suspicious, prone to discontent:
That prince takes soon enough the victor's room
As thou deserv'st, be proud; then gladly let
Princes and fav'rites are most dear, while they
You see this gentle stream that glides,
Readers, we entreat ye pray
No wrath of men, or rage of seas,
Putrefaction is the end
What are our patches, tatters, rags, and rents,
What's got by justice is established sure:
The readiness of doing doth express
Who plants an olive, but to eat the oil?
Hast thou attempted greatness? then go on:
Physicians say repletion springs
Ponder my words, if so that any be
Lay by the good a while; a resting field
On with thy work, though thou be'st hardly press'd:
Man's disposition is for to requite
Like to the income must be our expense;
True rev'rence is, as Cassiodore doth prove,
All things are open to these two events,
Still to our gains our chief respect is had;
God could have made all rich, or all men poor;
Roaring is nothing but a weeping part
Men must have bounds how far to walk; for we
Sabbaths are threefold, as St. Austin says:
What though the sea be calm? Trust to the shore;
For my neighbour I'll not know,
Partly work and partly play
Christ, I have read, did to His chaplains say,
When we 'gainst Satan stoutly fight, the more
For all our works a recompence is sure;
Although our suffering meet with no relief,
Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt;
Shame is a bad attendant to a state:
He who has suffered shipwreck fears to sail
This lady's short, that mistress she is tall;
Suffer thy legs, but not thy tongue to walk:
After true sorrow for our sins, our strife
When once the sin has fully acted been,
God in His own day will be then severe
Sin leads the way, but as it goes, it feels
Sin never slew a soul unless there went
Sin no existence; nature none it hath,
Sin once reached up to God's eternal sphere,
There is no evil that we do commit,
There's no constraint to do amiss,
Wash clean the vessel, lest ye sour
Suspicion, discontent, and strife
Sinners confounded are a twofold way,
Shame checks our first attempts; but then 'tis prov'd
'Tis liberty to serve one lord; but he
Stripes, justly given, yerk us with their fall;
To seek of God more than we well can find,
Two things do make society to stand:
The mellow touch of music most doth wound
To conquered men, some comfort 'tis to fall
When one is past, another care we have:
Sorrows our portion are: ere hence we go,
When times are troubled, then forbear; but speak
If meat the gods give, I the steam
At stool-ball, Lucia, let us play
Let kings and rulers learn this line from me:
Studies themselves will languish and decay,
Does fortune rend thee? Bear with thy hard fate:
In the hope of ease to come,
We merit all we suffer, and by far
While leanest beasts in pastures feed,
Bad are all surfeits; but physicians call
He that will live of all cares dispossess'd,
A sweet disorder in the dress
'Tis not greatness they require
Those tapers which we set upon the grave
Knew'st thou one month would take thy life away,
When Julia chid I stood as mute the while
God from our eyes all tears hereafter wipes,
Our present tears here, not our present laughter,
Tears most prevail; with tears, too, thou may'st move
The tears of saints more sweet by far
These temporal goods God, the most wise, commends
God tempteth no one, as St. Austin saith,
Those saints which God loves best,
No man is tempted so but may o'ercome,
Temptations hurt not, though they have access:
Lord, thou hast given me a cell,
Thanksgiving for a former, doth invite
Seest thou those diamonds which she wears
I saw a fly within a bead
To gather flowers, Sappha went,
I sing of brooks, of blossoms, birds, and bowers,
God did forbid the Israelites to bring
Dull to myself, and almost dead to these
About the sweet bag of a bee
Thou hast made many houses for the dead;
Please your Grace, from out your store
Shall I a daily beggar be,
Along the dark and silent night,
From noise of scare-fires rest ye free,
From this bleeding hand of mine,
The body is the soul's poor house or home,
Bind me but to thee with thine hair,
I brake thy bracelet 'gainst my will,
Why I tie about thy wrist,
This day, my Julia, thou must make
To fetch me wine my Lucia went,
To my revenge, and to her desperate fears,
White as Zenobia's teeth, the which the girls
As Julia once a-slumb'ring lay,
Instead of orient pearls of jet
Kindle the Christmas brand, and then
Be not proud, but now incline
One silent night of late,
When well we speak and nothing do that's good,
A man prepar'd against all ills to come,
Seest thou that cloud that rides in state,
Come sit we by the fire's side,
So Good-Luck came, and on my roof did light,
Let's live with that small pittance that we have;
He who commends the vanquished, speaks the power
In holy meetings there a man may be
And, cruel maid, because I see
Go, perjured man; and if thou e'er return
For second course, last night, a custard came
Beauty no other thing is, than a beam
Why so slowly do you move
Drowning, drowning, I espy
What can I do in poetry
Whose head, befringed with bescattered tresses,
'Twixt kings and subjects there's this mighty odds:
O thou, the wonder of all days!
By dream I saw one of the three
Methought last night Love in an anger came
Part of the work remains; one part is past:
Conquer we shall, but we must first contend;
If well thou hast begun, go on fore-right;
Welcome! but yet no entrance, till we bless
He that is hurt seeks help: sin is the wound;
A wanton and lascivious eye
Make me a heaven, and make me there
We credit most our sight; one eye doth please
'Tis a known principle in war,
If ye will with Mab find grace,
A way enhanced with glass and beads
Rare temples thou hast seen, I know,
Noah the first was, as tradition says,
In all our high designments 'twill appear,
When my off'ring next I make,
I freeze, I freeze, and nothing dwells
Whither? say, whither shall I fly,
The Rose was sick, and smiling died;
Blessings in abundance come
When winds and seas do rage
The hag is astride
The staff is now greas'd;
Two parts of us successively command:
My head doth ache,
In prayer the lips ne'er act the winning part
To the Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland
If thou hast found an honeycomb,
That hour-glass which there you see
To sup with thee thou didst me home invite,
Thou sent'st to me a true love-knot, but I
God hides from man the reck'ning day, that he
In doing justice God shall then be known,
Among thy fancies, tell me this,
When a man's faith is frozen up, as dead;
Though by well warding many blows we've pass'd,
Would I see lawn, clear as the heaven, and thin?
You have beheld a smiling rose
You have beheld a smiling rose
As Julia once a-slumb'ring lay,
Good morrow to the day so fair;
So look the mornings when the sun
The May-pole is up,
Come with the spring-time forth, fair maid, and be
Imparity doth ever discord bring;
'Tis much among the filthy to be clean;
Who may do most, does least: the bravest will
After thy labour take thine ease,
Let others look for pearl and gold,
1. Prepare for songs; He's come, He's come;
Her eyes the glow-worm lend thee,
God hates the dual number, being known
Holy-Rood, come forth and shield
Sadly I walk'd within the field,
To a love-feast we both invited are:
Three lovely sisters working were,
I dreamt the Roses one time went
Go hence, and with this parting kiss,
Loth to depart, but yet at last each one
To-morrow, Julia, I betimes must rise,
Fresh strewings allow
Fame's pillar here, at last, we set,
If after rude and boisterous seas
I am of all bereft,
I cannot pipe as I was wont to do,
I do not love to wed,
May his pretty dukeship grow
To me my Julia lately sent
Tell me, rich man, for what intent
The sup'rabundance of my store,
Let kings command and do the best they may,
Praise, they that will, times past: I joy to see
Fly to my mistress, pretty pilfering bee,
Our household-gods our parents be;
Ask me why I send you here
Up with the quintell, that the rout,
Mine eyes, like clouds, were drizzling rain;
Look how the rainbow doth appear
All I have lost that could be rapt from me;
For each one body that i' th' earth is sown,
That Christ did die, the pagan saith;
This day, my Julia, thou must make
God has a right hand, but is quite bereft
Some ask'd me where the Rubies grew:
God's rod doth watch while men do sleep, and then
One asked me where the roses grew:
Before man's fall the rose was born,
Grow for two ends, it matters not at all,
Herr. Come and let's in solemn wise
Lilies will languish; violets look ill;
Water, water I desire,
Whether I was myself, or else did see
Anthea bade me tie her shoe;
Love in a shower of blossoms came
For sport my Julia threw a lace
The gods require the thighs
The body's salt the soul is; which when gone,
When once the soul has lost her way,
Holy water come and bring;
From this bleeding hand of mine,
Two instruments belong unto our God:
The Flourish of Music; then followed the Song.
First, April, she with mellow showers
Last night I drew up mine account,
And must we part, because some say
Glide, gentle streams, and bear
Along, come along,
If nine times you your bridegroom kiss,
Immortal clothing I put on
One silent night of late,
I dreamed this mortal part of mine
I dreamt this mortal part of mine
The Virgin Mary was, as I have read,
To work a wonder, God would have her shown
I dreamed we both were in a bed
Methought I saw, as I did dream in bed,
Sitting alone, as one forsook,
Rare is the voice itself: but when we sing
Come, Anthea, let us two
Give way, give way, ye gates, and win
Man is a watch, wound up at first, but never
When I a ship see on the seas,
I saw a cherry weep, and why?
So soft streams meet, so springs with gladder smiles
In this world, the Isle of Dreams,
Come pity us, all ye who see
No grief is grown so desperate, but the ill
When man is punish'd, he is plagued still,
A willow garland thou did'st send
Cupid as he lay among
Come, bring your sampler, and with art
Things are uncertain; and the more we get,
We pray 'gainst war, yet we enjoy no peace;
This crosstree here
God hath this world for many made, 'tis true:
Three fatal sisters wait upon each sin;
These fresh beauties, we can prove,
Bright tulips, we do know
Look in my book, and herein see
True to yourself and sheets, you'll have me swear;
Am I despised, because you say;
You say, you love me! that I thus must prove:
I could wish you all who love,
Anthea, I am going hence
Now is the time when all the lights wax dim;
So looks Anthea, when in bed she lies
Bid me to live, and I will live
Ah, my Anthea! Must my heart still break?
Come, Anthea, know thou this,
If, dear Anthea, my hard fate it be
Let's call for Hymen, if agreed thou art;
Sick is Anthea, sickly is the spring,
Thou mighty lord and master of the lyre,
Ph[oe]bus! when that I a verse
Whither dost thou whorry me,
Whither dost thou hurry me,
Let's now take our time,
Would I woo, and would I win?
Ah, Bianca! now I see
Fair pledges of a fruitful tree,
Stay while ye will, or go,
If 'mongst my many poems I can see
Ye may simper, blush and smile,
I crawl, I creep; my Christ, I come
I'll write, because I'll give
My wearied bark, O let it now be crown'd!
I have a leaden, thou a shaft of gold;
Fair Daffodils, we weep to see
Shut not so soon; the dull-eyed night
Dean Bourn, farewell; I never look to see
Thou bidst me come away,
I burn, I burn; and beg of you
Dear, though to part it be a hell,
Give me one kiss,
I could but see thee yesterday
Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes,
Show me thy feet; show me thy legs, thy thighs;
I'll to thee a simnel bring,
Nor art thou less esteem'd that I have plac'd,
I dare not ask a kiss,
I'll come to thee in all those shapes
Let not thy tombstone e'er be laid by me:
More white than whitest lilies far,
Shall I go to Love and tell,
'Tis evening, my sweet,
Love love begets, then never be
While fates permit us, let's be merry;
Weigh me the fire; or canst thou find
In time of life I graced ye with my verse;
Tumble me down, and I will sit
Rapine has yet took nought from me;
As my little pot doth boil,
Come to me, God; but do not come
Do with me, God, as Thou didst deal with John,
God gives not only corn for need,
God is all sufferance here; here He doth show
God! to my little meal and oil
God, who me gives a will for to repent,
God's undivided, One in Persons Three,
If anything delight me for to print
If I have played the truant, or have here
I'll come, I'll creep, though Thou dost threat,
Lord, I am like to mistletoe,
Make, make me Thine, my gracious God,
Pardon me, God, once more I Thee entreat,
The work is done; now let my laurel be
Thou hast promis'd, Lord, to be
With golden censers, and with incense, here
Verse. My God, I'm wounded by my sin,
Gold I have none, but I present my need,
What though my harp and viol be
Ye silent shades, whose each tree here
Open thy gates
Through all the night
Make haste away, and let one be
Take mine advice, and go not near
Be bold, my Book, nor be abash'd, or fear
Go thou forth, my book, though late,
If hap it must, that I must see thee lie
Before the press scarce one could see
Come thou not near those men who are like bread
Have I not blest thee? Then go forth, nor fear
If hap it must, that I must see thee lie
Like to a bride, come forth, my book, at last,
Thou art a plant sprung up to wither never,
While thou didst keep thy candour undefil'd,
To read my book the virgin shy
Who with thy leaves shall wipe, at need,
What others have with cheapness seen and ease
For being comely, consonant, and free
When I go hence, ye Closet-Gods, I fear
Can I not sin, but thou wilt be
I'll hope no more
Now is your turn, my dearest, to be set
Life of my life, take not so soon thy flight,
Can I not come to Thee, my God, for these
For all thy many courtesies to me,
Words beget anger; anger brings forth blows;
Love, love me now, because I place
Play I could once; but, gentle friend, you see
Wanton wenches do not bring
Alas! I can't, for tell me, how
For brave comportment, wit without offence,
Did I or love, or could I others draw
For civil, clean, and circumcised wit,
Stand by the magic of my powerful rhymes
To this white temple of my heroes here,
I can but name thee, and methinks I call
Rise, household gods, and let us go;
Welcome to this my college, and though late
Seeing thee, Soame, I see a goodly man,
When I consider, dearest, thou dost stay
Next is your lot, fair, to be number'd one,
When first I find those numbers thou dost write,
One night i'th' year, my dearest Beauties, come,
These summer-birds did with thy master stay
You say I love not, 'cause I do not play
Choose me your valentine,
Help me! help me! now I call
Put on your silks, and piece by piece
Whither, mad maiden, wilt thou roam?
Go woo young Charles no more to look
Were I to give thee baptism, I would choose
Tell that brave man, fain thou would'st have access
On, as thou hast begun, brave youth, and get
O earth! earth! earth! hear thou my voice, and be
Since shed or cottage I have none,
I've paid thee what I promis'd; that's not all;
Since, for thy full deserts, with all the rest
Hail, holy and all-honour'd tomb,
Go, pretty child, and bear this flower
Lord, I confess, that Thou alone art able
That little pretty bleeding part
The person crowns the place; your lot doth fall
Night hath no wings, to him that cannot sleep;
Go I must; when I am gone,
Oft have I heard both youths and virgins say
What will ye, my poor orphans, do,
When after many lusters thou shalt be
Tell me, young man, or did the Muses bring
Stand with thy graces forth, brave man, and rise
Nor is my number full till I inscribe
O jealousy, that art
Whom should I fear to write to if I can
How rich and pleasing thou, my Julia, art,
Julia, when thy Herrick dies,
Besides us two, i' th' temple here's not one
By the next kindling of the day,
Thou know'st, my Julia, that it is thy turn
Help me, Julia, for to pray,
Holy waters hither bring
I am zealless; prithee pray
Offer thy gift; but first the law commands
Permit me, Julia, now to go away;
The saints'-bell calls, and, Julia, I must read
Is this a fast, to keep
No more shall I, since I am driven hence,
A funeral stone
Let's live in haste; use pleasures while we may;
Now is the time for mirth,
I'm free from thee; and thou no more shalt hear
Or look'd I back unto the times hence flown
Touch but thy lyre, my Harry, and I hear
What! can my Kellam drink his sack
Read thou my lines, my Swetnaham; if there be
I will be short, and having quickly hurl'd
No man such rare parts hath, that he can swim,
Give way, and be ye ravish'd by the sun,
Ye have been fresh and green,
Ay me! I love; give him your hand to kiss
If thou ask me, dear, wherefore
My Muse in meads has spent her many hours
One more by thee, love, and desert have sent,
Who read'st this book that I have writ,
Begin to charm, and as thou strok'st mine ears
Charms, that call down the moon from out her sphere,
Charm me asleep, and melt me so
Music, thou queen of heaven, care-charming spell,
Whene'er I go, or whatsoe'er befalls
Thou say'st my lines are hard,
Fold now thine arms and hang the head,
What conscience, say, is it in thee,
Sweet Oenone, do but say
Thou say'st Love's dart
What conscience, say, is it in thee,
Ah, Cruel Love! must I endure
When I thy parts run o'er, I can't espy
Dear Perenna, prithee come
How long, Perenna, wilt thou see
I a dirge will pen to thee;
Thou say'st I'm dull; if edgeless so I be,
Ah, my Perilla, dost thou grieve to see
Live, live with me, and thou shalt see
Why do ye weep, sweet babes? can tears
What fate decreed, time now has made us see,
Laid out for dead, let thy last kindness be
My wooing's ended: now my wedding's near
Roses, you can never die,
Sapho, I will choose to go
Let us now take time and play,
Thou say'st thou lov'st me, Sappho; I say no;
Pardon my trespass, Silvia! I confess
Let us, though late, at last, my Silvia, wed;
I am holy while I stand
No more, my Silvia, do I mean to pray
Since to the country first I came,
I have my laurel chaplet on my head
Stand forth, brave man, since fate has made thee here
I heard ye could cool heat, and came
I'm sick of love, O let me lie
Where others love and praise my verses, still
When my date's done, and my grey age must die,
Thou'st dar'd too far; but, fury, now forbear
See and not see, and if thou chance t'espy
Command the roof, great Genius, and from thence
As is your name, so is your comely face
Never my book's perfection did appear
When to thy porch I come and ravish'd see
Woe, woe to them, who, by a ball of strife,
To find that tree of life whose fruits did feed
Welcome, most welcome to our vows and us,
This day is yours, great Charles! and in this war
Welcome, great Cæsar, welcome now you are
Give way, give way! now, now my Charles shines here
If when these lyrics, Cæsar, you shall hear,
Trust me, ladies, I will do
Why, Madam, will ye longer weep,
When I of Villars do but hear the name,
Good speed, for I this day
Ye pretty housewives, would ye know
Go on, brave Hopton, to effectuate that
Come, sit we under yonder tree,
Nor think that thou in this my book art worst,
For one so rarely tun'd to fit all parts,
Handsome you are, and proper you will be
So smell those odours that do rise
Well may my book come forth like public day
I, who have favour'd many, come to be
When I through all my many poems look,
When I departed am, ring thou my knell,
Come, skilful Lupo, now, and take
If I lie unburied, sir,
Let there be patrons, patrons like to thee,
Goddess of youth, and lady of the spring,
That for seven lusters I did never come
Of all those three brave brothers fall'n i' th' war
If I dare write to you, my lord, who are
You are a lord, an earl, nay more, a man
How dull and dead are books that cannot show
Go, happy Rose, and interwove
If thou dislik'st the piece thou light'st on first,
Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,
Reach with your whiter hands to me
Sweet western wind, whose luck it is,
Thou art to all lost love the best,
Both you two have
Welcome, maids of honour,
Hear, ye virgins, and I'll teach
Thy sooty godhead I desire
Close keep your lips, if that you mean
Drink wine, and live here blitheful while ye may;
The seeds of treason choke up as they spring:
Wilt thou my true friend be?
'Tis not the walls or purple that defends
Twixt truth and error, there's this difference known
Truth by her own simplicity is known,
Truth by her own simplicity is known,
Truth is best found out by the time and eyes;
Now, now the mirth comes
The twilight is no other thing, we say,
Twilight no other thing is, poets say,
Two of a thousand things are disallow'd:
And as time past when Cato the severe
Scobble for whoredom whips his wife and cries
Begin with a kiss,
I saw about her spotless wrist,
Wither'd with years, and bed-rid Mumma lies;
Feacie, some say, doth wash her clothes i' th' lie
Here a pretty baby lies
Here she lies, a pretty bud,
But born, and like a short delight,
If men can say that beauty dies,
Crooked you are, but that dislikes not me:
Come, come away
A golden fly one show'd to me,
You say you'll kiss me, and I thank you for it;
So long you did not sing or touch your lute,
Sing me to death; for till thy voice be clear,
Twice has Pudica been a bride, and led
As gilliflowers do but stay
Here she lies, in bed of spice,
That morn which saw me made a bride,
Gone she is a long, long way,
Hence a blessed soul is fled,
Men say you're fair; and fair ye are, 'tis true;
Thou cam'st to cure me, doctor, of my cold,
'Tis heresy in others: in your face
Fie, quoth my lady, what a stink is here?
'Twas but a single rose,
Spend, harmless shade, thy nightly hours
In this little vault she lies,
Let all chaste matrons, when they chance to see
Peapes he does strut, and pick his teeth, as if
Tread, sirs, as lightly as ye can
Old Widow Prouse, to do her neighbours evil,
Batt he gets children, not for love to rear 'em;
Here lies Jonson with the rest
Bice laughs, when no man speaks; and doth protest.
Blanch swears her husband's lovely; when a scald
I have seen many maidens to have hair,
Tom Blinks his nose is full of weals, and these
Blisse, last night drunk, did kiss his mother's knee;
Boreman takes toll, cheats, natters, lies; yet Boreman,
What made that mirth last night? the neighbours say,
Of four teeth only Bridget was possest;
To cleanse his eyes, Tom Brock makes much ado,
Buggins is drunk all night, all day he sleeps;
Money thou ow'st me; prethee fix a day
Bungy does fast; looks pale; puts sackcloth on;
Burr is a smell-feast, and a man alone,
End now the white loaf and the pie,
Case is a lawyer, that ne'er pleads alone,
Center is known weak-sighted, and he sells
When Chub brings in his harvest, still he cries,
A roll of parchment Clunn about him bears,
Cob clouts his shoes, and, as the story tells,
Cock calls his wife his Hen: when Cock goes to't,
Comely acts well; and when he speaks his part,
What is the reason Coone so dully smells?
Crab faces gowns with sundry furs; 'tis known
Craw cracks in sirrop; and does stinking say,
One silver spoon shines in the house of Croot;
Cuffe comes to church much: but he keeps his bed
Love, like a Gypsy, lately came,
As lately I a garland bound,
Love, like a beggar, came to me
Old wives have often told how they
If wounds in clothes Cuts calls his rags, 'tis clear
If felt and heard, unseen, thou dost me please;
No question but Doll's cheeks would soon roast dry,
Doll, she so soon began the wanton trade,
Dundrige his issue hath; but is not styl'd,
Eeles winds and turns, and cheats and steals; yet Eeles
Upon her cheeks she wept, and from those showers
When out of bed my love doth spring,
We read how Faunus, he the shepherds' god,
Why walks Nick Flimsey like a malcontent!
Flood, if he has for him and his a bit,
Fone says, those mighty whiskers he does wear
Franck ne'er wore silk she swears; but I reply,
Franck would go scour her teeth; and setting to 't
Since Gander did his pretty youngling wed,
Glasco had none, but now some teeth has got;
Glass, out of deep, and out of desp'rate want,
God is all fore-part; for, we never see
God is not only said to be
God, when He takes my goods and chattels hence,
Unto Pastillus rank Gorgonius came
An old, old widow Greedy needs would wed,
Groynes, for his fleshly burglary of late,
Grubs loves his wife and children, while that they
Grudgings turns bread to stones, when to the poor
Gryll eats, but ne'er says grace; to speak the truth,
Gubbs calls his children kitlings: and would bound,
Guess cuts his shoes, and limping, goes about
Science puffs up, says Gut, when either pease
See how the poor do waiting stand
When Julia blushes she does show
Clear are her eyes,
Her pretty feet
Let but thy voice engender with the string,
She wept upon her cheeks, and weeping so,
Thou shalt not all die; for while Love's fire shines
Let me sleep this night away,
Come, leave this loathed country life, and then
I am sieve-like, and can hold
I could never love indeed;
I dislik'd but even now;
I lately fri'd, but now behold
Mop-eyed I am, as some have said,
Thou'rt hence removing (like a shepherd's tent),
Thus I
I begin to wane in sight;
Fly me not, though I be gray,
Will ye hear what I can say
Sweet Bridget blush'd, and therewithal
Sweet virgin, that I do not set
Here lies a virgin, and as sweet
First, for effusions due unto the dead,
Now thou art dead, no eye shall ever see,
What offspring other men have got,
Hog has a place i' the' kitchen, and his share,
Huncks has no money, he does swear or say,
Angry if Irene be
When Jill complains to Jack for want of meat,
Jolly and Jilly bite and scratch all day,
First, Jolly's wife is lame; then next loose-hipp'd:
Jone is a wench that's painted;
Judith has cast her old skin and got new,
How fierce was I, when I did see
Display thy breasts, my Julia - there let me
Whenas in silks my Julia goes,
Julia was careless, and withal
Tell me, what needs those rich deceits,
Dew sate on Julia's hair,
Droop, droop no more, or hang the head,
As shows the air when with a rainbow grac'd,
As shews the air when with a rain-bow graced,
Would ye oil of blossoms get?
Tell, if thou canst, and truly, whence doth come
Tell if thou canst, and truly, whence doth come
When I thy singing next shall hear,
So smooth, so sweet, so silv'ry is thy voice,
Kings must be dauntless; subjects will contemn
Leech boasts, he has a pill, that can alone
Letcher was carted first about the streets,
Linnet plays rarely on the lute, we know;
Seal'd up with night-gum, Loach each morning lies,
I held Love's head while it did ache;
Love scorched my finger, but did spare
A crystal vial Cupid brought,
I played with Love, as with the fire
In a dream, Love bade me go
Love brought me to a silent grove
Love, I have broke
Love is a circle, and an endless sphere;
Love's a thing, as I do hear,
Some salve to every sore we may apply;
I bring ye love. QUES. What will love do?
I bring ye love. QUES. What will love do?
My Lucia in the dew did go,
I ask'd my Lucia but a kiss,
Sound teeth has Lucy, pure as pearl, and small,
Luggs, by the condemnation of the Bench,
Lulls swears he is all heart; but you'll suppose
Lungs, as some say, ne'er sets him down to eat
Lupes for the outside of his suit has paid;
In Den'shire Kersey Lusk, when he was dead,
After the rare arch-poet, Jonson, died,
Should I not put on blacks, when each one here
For ropes of pearl, first Madam Ursly shows
Maggot frequents those houses of good-cheer,
Man is composed here of a twofold part;
Apollo sings, his harp resounds: give room,
Mease brags of pullets which he eats: but Mease
Meg yesterday was troubled with a pose,
Rare are thy cheeks, Susanna, which do show
Moon is a usurer, whose gain,
Sweet Amarillis, by a spring's
Much-more provides and hoards up like an ant,
Mudge every morning to the postern comes,
Nis he makes verses; but the lines he writes
Wherever Nodes does in the summer come,
What times of sweetness this fair day foreshows,
You say you're young; but when your teeth are told
Broomsted a lameness got by cold and beer:
Pagget, a schoolboy, got a sword, and then
Parrat protests 'tis he, and only he
Old Parson Beanes hunts six days of the week,
Old Parson Beanes hunts six days of the week,
Go hence away, and in thy parting know
Paske, though his debt be due upon the day
Now Patrick with his footmanship has done,
Paul's hands do give; what give they, bread or meat,
Thou writes in prose how sweet all virgins be;
Long locks of late our zealot Peason wears,
Brown bread Tom Penny eats, and must of right,
Pievish doth boast that he's the very first
When Pimp's feet sweat, as they do often use,
To paint the fiend, Pink would the devil see;
In this little Urne is laid
Prickles is waspish, and puts forth his sting
Prig now drinks water, who before drank beer;
Prigg, when he comes to houses, oft doth use,
Prue, my dearest maid, is sick,
Give me a reason why men call
Puss and her 'prentice both at drawgloves play;
Ralph pares his nails, his warts, his corns, and Ralph
Curse not the mice, no grist of thine they eat;
Rasp plays at nine-holes; and 'tis known he gets
Reape's eyes so raw are that, it seems, the flies
Rook he sells feathers, yet he still doth cry
Roots had no money; yet he went o' the score,
Under a lawn, than skies more clear,
Rump is a turn-broach, yet he seldom can
Rush saves his shoes in wet and snowy weather;
When thou dost play and sweetly sing -
Look upon Sappho's lip, and you will swear
Scobble for whoredom whips his wife; and cries
Shark, when he goes to any public feast,
Last night thou didst invite me home to eat;
Shift now has cast his clothes: got all things new;
Old Widow Shopter, whensoe'er she cries,
Sibb, when she saw her face how hard it was,
With paste of almonds, Syb her hands doth scour;
When some shall say, Fair once my Silvia was,
Skinns, he dined well to-day: how do you think?
Skoles stinks so deadly, that his breeches loath
Skrew lives by shifts; yet swears by no small oaths
Skurf by his nine-bones swears, and well he may:
Slouch he packs up, and goes to several fairs,
How could Luke Smeaton wear a shoe, or boot,
Snare, ten i' th' hundred calls his wife; and why?
Sneape has a face so brittle, that it breaks
Thou who wilt not love, do this,
Of pushes Spalt has such a knotty race,
Spenke has a strong breath, yet short prayers saith;
Spokes, when he sees a roasted pig, he swears
Spunge makes his boasts that he's the only man
Spur jingles now, and swears by no mean oaths,
Strut, once a foreman of a shop we knew;
Sudds launders bands in piss, and starches them
Tap, better known than trusted, as we hear,
Teage has told lies so long that when Teage tells
Tears, though they're here below the sinner's brine,
Never was day so over-sick with showers
Why do not all fresh maids appear
I ask'd thee oft what poets thou hast read,
This stone can tell the story of my life,
One of the five straight branches of my hand
I have lost, and lately, these
What wisdom, learning, wit or worth
Have ye beheld (with much delight)
Thrice happy roses, so much grac'd to have
I ask'd thee oft what poets thou hast read,
O times most bad,
Time was upon
The eggs of pheasants wry-nosed Tooly sells,
Trap of a player turn'd a priest now is:
Tom shifts the trenchers; yet he never can
Trigg having turn'd his suit, he struts in state,
Truggin a footman was; but now, grown lame,
For thirty years Tubbs has been proud and poor;
At post and pair, or slam, Tom Tuck would play
Umber was painting of a lion fierce,
Urles had the gout so, that he could not stand;
Ursley, she thinks those velvet patches grace
Vinegar is no other, I define,
So long, it seem'd, as Mary's faith was small,
Wrinkles no more are, or no less,
Is Zelot pure? he is: yet! see he wears
Who will not honour noble numbers, when
By so much, virtue is the less,
Though a wise man all pressures can sustain,
Each must in virtue strive for to excel;
Happily I had a sight
After this life, the wages shall
Want is a softer wax, that takes thereon,
Need is no vice at all, though here it be
If kings and kingdoms once distracted be,
Once on a Lord Mayor's Day, in Cheapside, when
Whatever comes, let's be content withal:
God is above the sphere of our esteem,
Be the mistress of my choice,
In sober mornings do thou not rehearse
God has His whips here to a twofold end:
These fresh beauties, we can prove,
Dread not the shackles; on with thine intent,
What need we marry women, when
When words we want, Love teacheth to indite;
God on our youth bestows but little ease;
I'll do my best to win whene'er I woo: