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There's been a young stranger at our house,
My son, I wish that it were half
Prepare for noise, you quiet walls!
A sleuth like Pinkerton or Burns
Why do you love your Cousin Paull?
When I mixed with the shoppers and fought in vain
"MYSELF!" It means that you don't care
He couldn't have a doughnut, and it made him very mad;
Dear Parents: - Don't imagine, please,
Dollar Bill, that I've held so tight
"I guess I'll help you, daddy."
I've orders to waken you from your nap,
You could be president as well as not,
One thing that's yours, my little child
Who is Sylvia? What is she
Besides my little son's imagination,
Perhaps in some respects it's true
When I see his wonderful choo-choo trains,
I wonder how 'twould make you feel,
My baby has a garden,
"I'm going to the office."
If it's fun to take books from the bookcase,
Since he began to talk and sing,
I can't understand why you pass up the toys
What is the welcoming word I hear
He was weary of all of his usual joys;
That may not be the proper way
I wonder what your thought will be
Up to the sky the birdman flew
Spring, you are welcome, for you are the friend of