The Sonnets Of Tommaso Campanella - The Human Comedy.

A poem by Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Natura dal Signor.

Nature, by God directed, formed in space
The universal comedy we see;
Wherein each star, each man, each entity,
Each living creature, hath its part and place:

And when the play is over, it shall be
That God will judge with justice and with grace.--
Aping this art divine, the human race
Plans for itself on earth a comedy:

It makes kings, priests, slaves, heroes for the eyes
Of vulgar folk; and gives them masks to play
Their several parts--not wisely, as we see;

For impious men too oft we canonise,
And kill the saints; while spurious lords array
Their hosts against the real nobility.

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