Put nothing in another's way,
Who's plodding on through life,
But fill each heart with joy each day,
With peace instead of strife.
So then let not a missent word,
Or thought, or act, or deed
Be by our weaker brother heard
To cause his heart to bleed.
Put nothing in another's way,
It clear and ample leave;
For words and actions day by day
Life's great example weave.
'Tis then not meet that we should think
That we are solely free
In manners, dress, in food, or drink,
Or fulsome revelry.
Put nothing in another's way,
Just learn the Christian part
To let a holy, sunny ray
Shine in thy brother's heart.
Help him to bear his load of care,
His soul get edified -
'Twas only for the soul's welfare
That Jesus bled and died.
Put nothing in another's way,
Ye who are sent to teach;
No dark cloud cast across the day,
Ye who the gospel preach.
Ye twain must set the truth aright
With joy and peace and love;
For in your souls shines forth the light
From Jesus Christ above.
Put nothing in another's way,
Belovèd Christian friends;
On through your toils, and cares, still pray,
Till life's fleet journey ends.
When at the resurrection dawn
Eternal life is given,
We'll get our harp, our robe, our crown,
The star-lit crown of heaven.