Poems by Toru Dutt

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"Ho! Master of the wondrous art!
Not dead,--oh no,--she cannot die!
"Shell-bracelets ho! Shell-bracelets ho!
"Hark! Lakshman! Hark, again that cry!
Near Hastings, on the shingle-beach,
Wavered the foremost soldiers,--then fell back.
Like a huge Python, winding round and round
A terror both of gods and men
Savitri was the only child
Great joy in Madra. Blow the shell
Death in his palace holds his court,
As still Savitri sat beside
As consciousness came slowly back
Part I.
Three happy children in a darkened room!
A sea of foliage girds our garden round,
Love came to Flora asking for a flower
Vishnu Purana. Book I. Chapter XI.
Broad daylight, with a sense of weariness!