Poems by Hattie Howard

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As I near my lonely cottage,
I hope I'm not too orthodox
If every friend who meditates
Such oranges! so fresh and sweet,
The artist and the loom unseen,
Where I can see him all day long
Oh, what a blessed interval
When I was young, my heart elate
Oh, sing me a merry song!
A common wayside flower it grew,
Of all the lovely blossoms
Afar my loyal spirit stirred
Like music heard in mellow chime,
Ah, yes; why not? Is one more adventitious born
"Be careful for nothing," Phil. iv. 6. Revised version, "Be not anxious."
O charming blossom of the sea
Yes, it is drawing nigh -
Sweet resting place! that long hath been
I am longing to dwell by the sea,
'Twas drawing near the holiday,
Ring out, O bells, in joyful chime!
Let working-clothes be laid aside,
As one long struggling to be free,
Into my disappointment-cup
Of all the sweet visions that come unto me
He was a man whose lot was cast,
If all the sermons good men preach
Along the avenue I pass
Is it not our bounden duty
No, this is January, dear,
These winter days are passing fair!
If we have lived another year
Around my vine-wreathed portico,
November? 'tis a summer's day!
I saw her for a moment,
One summer time, with love imbued,
Subdued and sad, I trod the place
My head is aching, and I wish
The morning sun rose bright and fair
Fresh from piano, school, and books,
They are not gone whose lives in beauty so unfolding
We look up to the stars tonight,
On Bancroft height Aurora's face
We met on "Boston Common" -
'Twas on a day of cold and sleet,
So that's the way you pass your time!
He lives but half who never stood
If there is one gift that I prize above others,
In hours of meditation fraught
Beside my window day and night,
The days are long and lonely,
While Phoebus lent his hottest rays
Of specious weight like tissue freight
Upon my smile let none pass compliment
In sad procession borne away
My careful plans all storm-subdued,
One morn I looked across the way,
By helpful fingers taught to twine
The smallest flower beside my path,
Nature, erewhile so marvelously lovely, is bereft
Millions have been and passed from view
Has ever a tree from the earth upsprung
Oh bud and leaf and blossom,
[One of the notable features of Baltimore is the big bell that hangs in the city hall tower, to strike the hour and sound the fire alarm. It is called "Big Sam," and weighs 5,000 pounds]
There was many a token of festal display,
I seem to see the old tree stand,
Kind friend, you do not know how much
The type of enterprise is he,
What touch is like the Spring's?
'Twas not rare versatility,
The salt of the earth - what a meaningful phrase
O sunny Sangamon! thy name to me,
So soon he fell, the world will never know
Oh, who in creation would fail to descend
Midway upon the lawn it stands,
From other men he stands apart,
Valiant sons of the sea,
Lo! carpet-bag and bagger occupy the land,
I love the woods when the magic hand
Sometimes the silver cord of life
The melody of autumn
Oh, the rare exhilaration,
I've a friend beyond the ocean
Fair summer home peninsula,
The congregation was devout,
Sometimes I long to write an ode